Friday, August 11, 2017

Bittersweet news…

I have big news! I am going to be taking an extended break from teaching yoga. I have been teaching yoga since 2009, a year after I gave birth to my first little, and I have had the privilege of teaching Pre/Postnatal Yoga through the City of San Marcos Parks and recreation since 2011. Of the hundreds of families that have joined me in class, thank you!

This was a very difficult decision as this class continued to grow and flourish. I will be taking this time to focus back on my own health and family, and continue to work full time in public health. While I am on leave, I will be utilizing the blog more, and will have more tips and information for you here about yoga, birth, and parenting. I am still in town, and am available to talk and meet up with any of my neighbors.

I am hopeful that someone may be interested in picking up this class, but I was not able to find the right person before the fall schedule was set. The city would love to see this class continue, and I would love  to put that person in touch with the right people to get this class back on the city’s schedule. Please contact me if you are interested.

In the meantime, thank you so very much for allowing me to be part of your pregnancy! I look forward to seeing you and your family around town at the park, grocery store, ball fields, etc. The soul in me is privileged to have been here with the soul(s) within you…Namaste. 

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