Friday, September 9, 2011

My Daddy is a Pretzel - book recap

I purchased this book to read to my toddler yogis as a follow up to the yoga pretzel cards made by the same publisher. I like to read this book in yoga class when I have mostly preschool aged children (3-5 yrs). The pace and tempo of this book is much more in line with the 3-5 year olds rather than the younger toddlers. There are several sentences per page before the pose instruction, and requires a patient child who can sit for a bit between poses.

That being said, I love this book! I love having a yoga book that isn’t to babyish for the preschoolers. It is sweet how it uses parent occupations and then relates it to yoga. The book is written in the voice of a child whose father is a yogi. For instance, one parent is an oceanographer, but this child’s parent is a fish. The book, then, demonstrates step by step on how to do a fish pose. Brilliant!

This is a great book for teachers and is a great book for parents to read to their children. I love sharing this with my little one. The yoga pretzel cards (future post coming) compliment this book and as a teacher I use them both in class.

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